In My Humble Opinion
Если вы не:
.1.Can roll your tongue.
.2.Сhange your towels daily а не When they seem like they need changing .
.3.Button your shirt from top down а не From bottom up .
.4.Carry around closer to $100 а не $40 .
.5.More likely to stop wearing something because It's gone out of style а не It doesn't fit anymore.
.6. ... would rather Be on time and not look your best а не Be a bit late and look perfect.
.7.Have given someone a fake name or phone number.
.8.Have smoked pot.
.9.Считаете что Living together before marriage is Fine, а не Not a good idea.
.10.Spanking kids on the butt Is okay, а не наоборот.You prefer Bananas, а не Apples .
.11. ... would rather Get run over by a truck, а не Gain 150 lbs.
.12.Считает что Having someone in the room while you go to the bathroom Is not okay, а не okay.
.13.Speak a second language.
.14.Prefer Blue, а не Red.
.15. ... would rather have
.16.Prefer A window seat, а не An aisle seat.
.17.A morning person, а не A night person.
.18.Find it harder to control Your weight, а не How much money you spend.
.19.Had fallen in love A few times,а не A half dozen times.
И наконец...
.20.Считаете что Every other day is closer to the ideal amount of sex for you, а не A half dozen times a month.
То вы не 100% normal.
Мои поздравления ознакомившимся со списком и неознакомившимся тоже!
Не забудте на досуге полотенца сменить полотенца и отшлёпать детей!
.1.Can roll your tongue.
.2.Сhange your towels daily а не When they seem like they need changing .
.3.Button your shirt from top down а не From bottom up .
.4.Carry around closer to $100 а не $40 .
.5.More likely to stop wearing something because It's gone out of style а не It doesn't fit anymore.
.6. ... would rather Be on time and not look your best а не Be a bit late and look perfect.
.7.Have given someone a fake name or phone number.
.8.Have smoked pot.
.9.Считаете что Living together before marriage is Fine, а не Not a good idea.
.10.Spanking kids on the butt Is okay, а не наоборот.You prefer Bananas, а не Apples .
.11. ... would rather Get run over by a truck, а не Gain 150 lbs.
.12.Считает что Having someone in the room while you go to the bathroom Is not okay, а не okay.
.13.Speak a second language.
.14.Prefer Blue, а не Red.
.15. ... would rather have
.16.Prefer A window seat, а не An aisle seat.
.17.A morning person, а не A night person.
.18.Find it harder to control Your weight, а не How much money you spend.
.19.Had fallen in love A few times,а не A half dozen times.
И наконец...
.20.Считаете что Every other day is closer to the ideal amount of sex for you, а не A half dozen times a month.
То вы не 100% normal.
Мои поздравления ознакомившимся со списком и неознакомившимся тоже!
Не забудте на досуге полотенца сменить полотенца и отшлёпать детей!
... пройденный тест меня определённо вдохновил...
см. предыдущий пост.